
The 2K / 3K process provides plastic parts with 2 or 3 different materials. Depending on the needs of the client and the available technologies, the mold design adapts and the following formats are common:
- Rotating mold / rotating plate.
- Core back system.
- Robot transfer and over molding.
- Index plate.

Insert Over Moulding
This process (insert over molding) allows injecting a plastic part with metal inserts such as screws, washers or any other component, obtaining a finished part without the need for a human hand for doing it. These molds can be adapted to vertical machines (with two-sided extraction options) or horizontal machines.

Heat & Cool / Conformal Cooling
Heat & Cool and conformal cooling are technologies that optimize temperature control system in specific areas of the mold or the plastic part to obtain best results in injection process in terms of cycle and part quality.

Direct side gate
When there is a need to inject laterally and directly to the part with a hot runner system, it is used “Direct Side Gate”, made available by the most reputable brands in the market.

Thin Wall
The main objective for the development of thin-walled products is directly related to the mass production of items that allows a substantial reduction of raw material and for production cycles. With this reduction in production costs, there will be cheaper products for the final consumer and less environmental waste.
For molding manufacture of this type of article, the dimensional uniformity of molding zones is crucial for the injection process to be fluid and effective.